Melbourne Freedom Rally - 05 11 2022 - Part 4 of 9

1 year ago

Speech at Bourke Street mall about why the march is happening every saturday for almost 3 years about, first about the mandates, and now to acknowledge the vaccine injured.

Knob job walks up to individual who was giving the speech and elbows the mega phone while they are speaking - Assault.
As usual he was not charged or warned about it by the Criminals On Patrol.
Scuffle eventuates and Criminals On Patrol just make sure the person who assaulted the speech giver is just away from the Freedom Rally individuals who are standing up for human rights and freedom.

Why do these persons hate and loathe and detest human rights and freedom I have no idea, perhaps there narcissist and sadistic and get pleasure and enjoyment from people suffering in pain and maybe they enjoy getting it, I do not know.

Speech about to acknowledge those who were deceived by the treasonous corporation government who took the death jabs and now suffering from them shots.
Speech about they keeping secrets from people here and all around the world.

Speech about "vaccinated" mothers are giving birth to unhealthy children ( if they survive that is as statically about 75 % of pregnant mothers who are "vaccinated" miscarriage ).

Speech about the "covid19 vaccination position statement" march 2021 document stating treasonous genocidal information warfare type messages against humanity.
Document on a website to download.

Speech to individuals to walk with us and educate themselves so that they can share with others. Speech that we must not forget about Julian Assange who is an australian journalist & publisher, and the need to ask the government not to extradite him to america, as this is what happens to people who tell the truth. Free Julian Assange.
March down Bourke Street Mall to Elizabeth Street & march down Elizabeth Street.

Vehicle with VERY Informative billboard drives into street creating a scene. Definitely worth pausing video to read the information on the billboard trailer.

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