Hadassah Lerner speaks of the experiences her family had making aliyah. The good, bad, and the Lord!

1 year ago

Hadassah Lerner speaks of the experiences her family had making aliyah. The good, bad, and the Lord! (Part 1 of 2)

Nov. 5, 2022 Jerusalem, Israel. Hadassah spoke at the Aliyah Seminar 2022 in Jerusalem, hosted by Glen Haines, Founder of Operation Tarshish. She shares her heart on the difficulties, and yet the commitment, to hear and obey the Lord and make aliyah (immigrate) to Israel with her husband and five kids. A touching story, revealing the character of the Lord and His desire to bring all of His chosen people back to their Land He has given them.

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin, Founder, Love For His People Ministry in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.

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