Abstention from theft | Budu Rajananvahanse | Universe True Story

2 years ago

Second precept

2.Abstention from theft

The second precept prohibits theft, and involves the intention to steal what one perceives as not belonging to oneself ("what is not given") and acting successfully upon that intention. The severity of the act of theft is judged by the worth of the owner and the worth of that which is stolen.

Underhand dealings, fraud, cheating and forgery are also included in this precept.Accompanying virtues are generosity, renunciation, and right livelihood,and a positive behavior is the protection of other people's property.

In practice

The second precept includes different ways of stealing and fraud. Borrowing without permission is sometimes included, as well as gambling. Psychologist Vanchai Ariyabuddhiphongs did studies in the 2000s and 2010s in Thailand and discovered that people who did not adhere to the five precepts more often tended to believe that money was the most important goal in life, and would more often pay bribes than people who did adhere to the precepts.On the other hand, people who observed the five precepts regarded themselves as wealthier and happier than people who did not observe the precepts.

Professions that are seen to violate the second precept include working in the gambling industry or marketing products that are not actually required for the customer.

taruwan saranai

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