HOLLY | Root Episode 1 Trailer

2 years ago

#indiefilm #takeroot #holly #thehollystory #takeroot

Premieres for FREE!
November 4th, 2022 at 830PM PST
In a rural town, events unfold that uncover twisting family roots and the dark secrets of a girl's past. How deep will she go in discovering her forbidden identity?

Directed By @Ryan Molyneaux and @garethryan creative
Created by @Mellevolant Productions and @Anya Gorre
Written By @Ryan Molyneaux
Story by @Ryan Molyneaux, @Mellevolant Productions and @garethryan creative
Edited by @garethryan creative
D.O.P Brandon Harvey @Dream It Creations
Music by Paul Fább http://www.paulfabb.work

#indiefilmmaking #theungergames #holly #earlunger #thehollystory#bcfilm #ollieunger #takeroot #frankyunger

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