Silk taro

1 year ago

1 Wash and peel the taro first, cut it into hob pieces or diamond-shaped pieces, and put it on a plate to fry; Sesame seeds are removed from impurities and set aside. 2 Heat 1 bowl of raw oil until 60% hot, add taro cubes, fry the taro chunks over slow heat until golden brown, and drain the oil. 3 Leave the remaining oil in a pot, add 200g of sugar, and stir-fry the sugar over low heat until melted. 4 Cut some ginger slices, add the ginger to the sugar and stir-fry. 5 When the sugar is slightly melted, add some water. 6 When the sugar liquid is bubbling, quickly pour the fried taro cubes in, stir-fry for tens of seconds, then serve on a plate, sprinkle with sesame seeds, and serve. Delicious tips: 1. The syrup should be pulled out of oil, and the sugar should be removed from the heat when it starts to bubble. 2. Ginger slices are to avoid making the taste of the dish too monotonous, and the amount of ginger can be adjusted according to personal taste. 3. When the sugar cube is not easily soluble, you can add a little water, but not too much, otherwise it is difficult to make syrup

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