A TransHuman Voice From The Living & The Dead

1 year ago

Instructions for Checking Animals or Humans for BioChips with MAC Addresses

1. You will need two 5G Smart phones with 5G network.

2. You will need to deactivate all Bluetooth options on both phones.

3. Make a phone call to the second phone.

4. Answer the call on the second phone and do not end the call for 3 to 6 minutes.

5. Place the second phone near the animal or human who you are testing for a MAC address.

6. Activate Bluetooth on both phones. The acitivation of Bluetooth can take up to two to three minutes. The length of time is a qualitative measurement of how much graphene oxide is in the animal or human body.

7. Once Bluetooth is activated you will begin to see a MAC address appear on the phone screen.

8. You will be looking for six pairs of numbers and letters that will appear on the screen in this order: A1:B2:33:C4:E5:FF (six pairs of numbers or letters separated by points)

Check out more videos on Biochips or Biosensors and MAC addresses at: https://rumble.com/search/video?q=VaxCode

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