C40... Cyrenius' deep Respect for Mary & Joseph's Words about real Wisdom ❤️ Childhood of Jesus

1 year ago

Text & Audio to Video Content... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2022/11/14/cyrenius-hochachtung-vor-maria-deep-respect-for-mary/
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EBook Childhood of Jesus / Gospel of James... http://jesus-comes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Jakob-Lorber-The-Childhood-of-Jesus-Revealed-by-the-Lord-Jesus-Johovah-by-direct-Dictation.pdf
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Overview Gospel of James... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/kindheit-jesu-jakobus-evangelium-childhood-of-jesus-gospel-of-james-jakob-lorber/
Jesus' Revelations through Jakob Lorber... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/category/english/jakob-lorber-pdfs/
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Chapter 40... Cyrenius' deep Respect for Mary & Joseph's Words on the real Wisdom

Childhood of Jesus - The Gospel of James revealed thru Jakob Lorber

1. Afterward Cyrenius stood up and spoke to Mary: "O you most fortunate of all women and all the mothers on earth! – Tell me, what do you feel in your heart, now that you are fully convinced that the Lord of the heaven and the earth is resting in your arms!"

2. Mary said: "Friend, how can you ask me what your own heart is telling you?

3. See, we walk the same earth that God created, we continually tread on His wonder with our feet, – but still there are millions and millions of people, who prefer to bow before the creations of their hands than before the true living God!

4. If God's great creations do not inspire men, how can a child wrapped in swaddling clothes achieve this?

5. Therefore there will only be a few who will recognize the Lord in the Child! – Only those who, like you, are of good will.

6. And those with good will don't need to come to me, so I might tell them what I feel in my heart.

7. The Child will manifest Himself in their hearts and will bless them and allow them to feel what the mother feels when she carries the Child! –

8. Fortunate am I, yea most fortunate, to carry this Child in my arms!

9. But in the future, greater and more fortunate still will those be who carry Him alone in their hearts!

10. Carry Him indestructibly in your heart also, and you will receive that of which my husband Joseph assured you!"

11. As Cyrenius heard these words from Mary, his amazement about her wisdom knew no bounds.

12. He said to Joseph: "Listen, you most fortunate of all men on earth! Who would have sought such deep wisdom from your young wife!?

13. In truth, if there ever was a Minerva, she should conceal herself as far away as possible from her, this fairest and dearest mother!"

14. Joseph spoke: "See, any man can be wise in his way through God; without Him, however, there is no wisdom on earth!

15. This also explains the wisdom of my wife.

16. Just as the Lord has spoken through the mouths of animals, why should He not do the same through the mouths of men?!

17. However, let us leave this for now, it is time to plan tomorrow's departure!"

18. Cyrenius said: "Joseph, do not worry; for it has been taken care of long ago; I myself will accompany you up to Ostracine."

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