WARDEN OF DEMONREACH IS CRAZY STRONG! | Project Ascension S8 | Classless World of Warcraft

2 years ago

Mcdoubles back again with a brand new video and today we farm our hearts out for the ALREADY notorious WARDEN OF DEMONREACH legendary world enchant that aims to combine Frost and Fire magic into an absolutely devastating burst spec!

I had gotten word on the grapevine that this spec was overperforming right now and since it was already on my radar to try, I decided to drop everything, create a new Int-based character, and go hard on my journey for a proper Warden of Demonreach build. This enchant transforms the Pyroblast spell into TWO new spells, Arctis and Fuego, which absolutely PUMP in both ST and AoE scenarios.

I take this build from 1-60 through PvP and PvE before finally hitting max and creating an absolutely broken version of the spec. Ascension then hotfixes my spec so that its unplayable, and I create a more typical version of the spec that you may have seen around in the world by a few select players who have gotten their hands on this enchant, and it still absolutely claps cheeks.

The enchant for this spec was inspired by the Dresden Files series. Which I know nothing about, but its a neat fact nontheless.

Server: Thrall
0:00-0:38 - Intro
0:39-2:44 - Starting a Warden of Demonreach Build
2:45-8:26 - My awesome journey 1-56
8:27-11:05 - Farming and OBTAINING the elusive LRE
11:06-15:08 - This feels overpowered right now
15:09-27:50 - Playing an awesome version of the spec that got hotfixed and no longer exists :(
27:51-31:59 - Playing a Scorch/Frostbolt version of the spec (and owning)
32:00-35:08 - Giveaway and Final Thoughts!

🛎️ If you missed the last video make sure to check it out first here🛎️

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