IRREFUTABLE PROOF that Obama and Francis were propped-up by the ILLUMINATI

1 year ago

One viewer wrote: "There are a LOT of people who do a lot a research into the illuminati, and with all of the things that we have seen, NOBODY has done anything remotely close to this. People have associated the alignments with events, but we have never seen the meanings behind those alignments and how they correspond with the events. It is one of the more 'shocking', revealing videos that you have done to date!"

Uploaded to Rumble by the CREATOR of this video, Peter and Mary Romanus - Founders of This video was originally uploaded to YouTube in 2015, but is unlisted and no longer visible, due to censorship concerns.

The proof is on the table! The signs in the skies are screaming out warnings, but who is listening? This is one of the most shocking End Times video you will ever see. It is a quick summary of an extensive detailed analysis of signs in the sky and planetary alignments that prove, beyond any reasonable doubt, that Obama and Francis are NOT who they say they are. It reveals much more. The extent of manipulation of world events, by the illuminati, is off of every imaginable scale. Francis and Obama are hard core illuminati front men - mere puppets, for their illuminati handlers. But who can prove such a thing? Watch and see.

Music: Petrus Romanus

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