Morning Musings # 316 - Are We In Love With God, Or Merely An "Idea" Of God?

1 year ago

Are we actually in love with God, or are we in love with an "idea of God" our mental and psychological mind has crafted? What are we really having a relationship with? What is God? Can we really define it? Belief is a substitute for not knowing.
#renegademusings #lovinggod #lovingjesus #lovegod #christianity #god #beliefs #whatif #idol #idols #image #idolatry #mental #concepts #believe #believer

What if God is not actually someone or Something to Believe In what if we are not actually in love with God but merely our idea

Of God the idea that our mental mind has fashioned or crafted God to be that in essence is the true meaning of idolatry to fashion god in an image or into an idea that we have fallen in love with after all we have to give God form or personality

In order to relate to God and to love God but can we honestly say that what we love is God what is God who can know it you have are you having a relationship with the idea of God that you hold in your mind and in your belief

And isn't belief something that substitutes for not knowing and since God is unknowable indefinable all we can have is belief belief in Concepts believe in images belief in a mental projection

We call something God if it made us feel good we would never call something God that makes us feel bad so it's subjective it's subjective and we create our beliefs on subjectivity on how it makes us feel and we call it either God or the devil but all in all is just Energies

That interact with our electromagnetic biofield our mind is quite the thing isn't it it will create fashion and project all kinds of things and call it fact call it absolute the God is Not anything absolute in the way we perceive absoluteness

I just thought I would record these ideas these thoughts all of our beliefs are really things that our mind has created so how do we believe in an unknowable God we have to Fashion it into an object that we can believe in

But is God an object what is God and what are you having a relationship with what are you loving about God this God that your mind has created the idea of God your mind has created that is why everyone has a personal version of God

Because it's entirely subjective I'm not saying there is no Force no energy that we call God but it's so much more than what our mind is capable of defining and because we Define God we create Wars amongst each other because we need to defend our version of God um and that

Is the proving point that our version of God is a creation of ego because we have to defend it because we're a lot we rely on that quote unquote God for our security see this whole thing is manufactured through the mind and the sooner we can realize that sooner we can dissolve these idols that keep us fighting amongst each other and uh

The sooner we can unite and just love each other without the projection of our personal savior that is meant to save us from our fears and insecurities let's deal with our fears and insecurities and figure out why they are there in the first place and then

The need for a god is no longer necessary those are my thoughts and musings for today

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