Elizabeth's Universe - Infections & Infestations Part 4 - Inflammations & Meningitis After COVID 19 Vaccine

1 year ago

ENDOCARDITIS (inflammation of inner lining of heart); ENDOMITRITIS (inflammation of uterus lining), GASTROENTERITIS (inflammation of stomach and intestines), MENINGITIS BACTERIAL (infection of the lining of the brain & spinal cord) are more ‘Infections & Infestations’ experienced during Pfizer’s COVID 19 clinical trials in 2020 and are also being experienced after Pfizer's Covid 19 vaccine rollout in December 2020. Join me as I share my research with you.

Source material:

Court ordered FDA Pfizer COVID 19 vaccine documents on the Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency website at phmpt.org

INFECTIONS AND INFESTATIONS are found on a report titled THE SUMMARY OF CLINICAL SAFETY @ phmpt.org. In Search enter 2.7.4.Summary of Clinical Safety. The INFECTIONS AND INFESTATIONS mentioned in this video are on Table 6-page 91-95; Table 17–page 224; Table 22 – page 260; Table 8-page 130-135; Table 18–page 232-233; Table 23–page 264; Table 13-page 180–182; Table 20-page 247-248; Table 10-page 163-164; Table 19-page 242-243. This report is dated May 5, 2021.

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