Sean Johnson: Structural Medicine & Modern Lifestyle | Ben Stewart Podcast #67

1 year ago

(Health Series)

As an ex professional athlete, who overcame a career threatening injury with alternate treatments, Sean has personal experience of how holistic approaches to healthcare can provide benefit to people. He his a natural therapist clinician, helping a broad demographic of humans understand and navigate various modern lifestyle ailments, by combining different therapeutic approaches to healthcare.

With a BA degree in Psychology and Anthropology, an Honors in Psychology for Applied Contexts, a qualified teacher, ultra marathon runner, as well as various natural therapeutic qualifications, he treats, speaks and provide insights on various topics from managing stress, optimizing health, and ways to maximize human potential in personal or corporate spaces.

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#BenStewart #SeanJohnson #StructuralMedicine #Neuromusculoskeletal #HealthyLifestyle #ModernLifestyle

Ben Stewart Podcast strives to offer awareness and solutions to a rapidly evolving world, while building community…

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Producer: IG @Gordon_Cummings

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