Nikolayevsko-Berislavsk direction Situation as of 13.00 on 4 November 2022

1 year ago

Nikolayevsko-Berislavsk direction
Situation as of 13.00 on 4 November 2022

There are no significant changes in the situation in the Kherson region. The AFU continues to restore the combat readiness of its formations.

The command of the AFU grouping expects the arrival of reinforcements from the 67th mechanized brigade from the 184th training centre in Starichi to replace the forces of the 24th brigade.

Information is spreading among Ukrainian servicemen that the compound is completely inoperable due to huge losses in manpower and equipment.

🔻The Ukrainian Armed Forces have increased the intensity of fire on Russian positions in the Mykolayiv sector. Mortar and artillery crews, tanks, tactical aircraft and helicopters of the army aviation are firing indiscriminately along the frontline.

During the day, units of the 28th Brigade and 59th Infantry Brigade shelled areas near Soldatskoye, Petrovske, Krutoy Yar, Zeleny Hai, Terny Podi, Novokiyivka, Lubomirovka, Maksimovka, Vasilki, Komsomolskoye and Novopetrovka settlements.

▪️ An additional platoon of the Ukrainian Armed Forces has been redeployed to the vicinity of Kirovo. 120mm mortar ammunition has been delivered to the field artillery depots.

🔻On the Andreevsky sector, artillery crews of the 46th AFU Airmobile Brigade from Malaya Aleksandrovka are firing at the Russian Federation's positions in Sadka, while tank units from the area south of Davydov Brod have shelled Bruskinskoye.

🔻On the Beryslavka section, the AFU carried out ammunition deliveries to the SAU position of the 60th Infantry Brigade in Petropavlovka.

▪️ A higher headquarters commission from Apostolovo arrived in Novovoskresenskoye to assess the status of the troop grouping. SAU crews are firing at the Sukhanovo - Polyanka - southern outskirts of Dudchan.

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