Honeybee feeding from Dandelion

2 years ago

Why so many wildflowers are so important for our pollinators for food ,yet somehow weve been braintrained by Pharma to pour poison on them .Dandelions are not only food for bees(Bech) but medicine for Humans too .Dandelion has two names in irish Buidgen(little yellow/yellow born ) and Caisserban(devil) Cas(curly ) serbán(oats/) or 'wild oats' or Casar-Bán(white lighnting) Bees and hives were very important food and medicinal source for ancient Irish most monasteries had them long into antiquity and you also see many bird and bee 'houses' in ancient times too.they were even known to pollinate them on 'toxic' plants and make what was known as 'mad honey'

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