the vape pen now looks like a baby bottle (apropo)

1 year ago

still bitching about comedians
i don't do this on stage, not wasting my time on other comics (in case you're wondering why i am so "mean" on this channel, it might have a lot to do w/ the fact that i don't spout off on twitter and fb and insta!spam like everybody else with no impulse control...the reason i don't social network or have a smartphone is cos i don't believe in the retarding of society)
too busy doing my material
ego ego ego
shitting on somebody's comedy persona is total trash
it is part of it but it is still shitty
there's a way to do it in good fun and not be an asshole
i am so annoyed obviously
so used to being a misunderstood weirdo
brad covington is really brilliant
people have to assume that i just got off psych meds
still recovering from stand up comedy
i get a reaction tho, nobody else does
planting more surveillance in the street, would not surprise me at all
i'm the only man that does stand up comedy
i do my material and i don't back down/pussying out is not funny
i don't know what you have down there but...
it's just an open mic at a shit bar but still
tell me i'm wrong, maybe i'm a piece a shit
if you don't have confidence in yourself what are you doin stand up for
whatever you are trying to achieve you will not achieve
what are you saying amy
either the phone or vape pen
that was the best part of my set tho
typical woman shit...meddling
she was mad that i didn't need her help
go back to your shrink and kill yourself
i have garcia *monkey to appreciate me damnit
maybe ag is right
i'll believe you have a ballsack when i see it

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