Tetris 2 (Game Boy) Gameplay (Hyperkin Retron 5)

2 years ago

So how do you ruin Tetris? well, you make a completely different game, and call it Tetris 2. I don't hate Tetris 2 as a game. On it's own merits, it's an engaging game with some interesting design choices. However, as a Tetris game, I can understand why people hate this game. This was a cheap cash-in on the Tetris license, using the Tetris name to sell gamers on something that has nothing to do with Tetris.

So, as a game, it's not horrible. It's far from my favorite Tetris clone, however, as a Tetris game, this was inexcusable, and I would say the hatred directed towards it is justified. This was shamelessly using the Tetris name to sell a completely different game.

#Tetris2 #GameBoy #nocommentary

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