20221103 - Liberty Minute

2 years ago

Tuesday is election day, so let's talk about American elections and democracy.
I'm Peter Serefine with this week's Liberty Minute, brought to you by Dr. Zelenko's Z-Stack. Use code LIGHTHOUSE at ZStackLife.com to supercharge your immune system and support Freedom Fighters Foundation.
The US Constitution set up our Republic so that you and I, the citizens, only voted for our representative in the House of Representatives.
The President is elected by the Electoral College. Each state makes its own rules about how to award those electoral votes.
It wasn't until 1824, 35 years after this process was established, before the first public vote for President was even recorded.
The Senate was originally appointed by your state legislators. That changed in 1913 with the 17th Amendment. Senators are now elected by state-wide popular vote, like some sort of glorified member of the House of Representatives.
Why this basic history lesson? Because We The People need to remember how important our State House really is.
It was your state legislation who ratified the 17th Amendment. It has been since the 17th Amendment that our federal government has grown out of control and inserted itself in every aspect of our lives.
The state appointed Senate used to protect state rights and keep the federal government in check.
Find more news and commentary at liberty-lighthouse.com
Until next time, si vis Pacem, Para Bellum

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