With Great Courage, Dr. McCullough Fights to Keep his Board Certifications

1 year ago

Imagine the history of medicine if — every time a new disease emerged or was described for the first time — an Official Cure was quickly imposed by government authorities, and any doctor who questioned this Official Cure was branded a dangerous spreader of misinformation.

Six months ago, Dr. Peter McCullough received a letter, dated May 26, 2022, from Richard J. Baron, M.D., who is President and CEO of the American Board of Internal Medicine. The letter was a formal notice that the ABIM was considering potential disciplinary sanction of Dr. McCullough. As Dr. Baron stated:

ABIM has learned that you have made numerous, widely reported and disseminated public statements about the purported dangers or lack of justification for Covid-19 vaccines.

Because of Dr. McCullough’s statements — which the Board deemed to be misinformation — the Board was considering revoking Dr. McCullough’s ABIM certifications in Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular Disease, which are granted for his board scores and clinical care — not for political views or public testimony. In other words, the ABIM has assumed the function of maintaining/defending the official orthodoxy of Covid-19 vaccines. 

It doesn’t matter that these products are a based on a novel gene transfer technology, developed at Warp Speed, and deployed on the public by means of an Emergency Use Authorization. Nor does it matter that the producers bear zero liability in the event their products cause injury or death. According to Dr. Baron, the ABIM’s understanding of these products and how the body reacts to them is a completely settled matter. Therefore, doctors who question the safety and efficacy of these products are, in effect, committing scientific heresy and subject to disciplinary action. 


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