Did Ancient Hindus Worship The Cross ? Was The Cross Carved in Indian Temples?

2 years ago

Did Ancient Hindus Worship The Cross ? Was The Cross Carved in Indian Temples? Did Christianity Originate in India? Was Jesus Born in India? Evidences of Cross Worship in Ancient India prove most of our theories wrong.

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0:00 - Cross in a Temple?
1:06 - Christianity in India
3:45 - Christian Cross in Ancient Temples
5:18 - History of the Indian Cross
7:05 - Cave Paintings of Cross in India
8:36 - Conclusion

Hey guys, today I am going to show you some solid evidence of the Cross, like the Christian Cross in ancient Hindu Temples.
In a corner of the main chamber, at the top of this pillar, we can see a strange figure. On its neck, it wears something strange. Yes, it is a cross. I am trying to show you as much as possible, but we can only see so much because of the darkness and height. Is it wearing a Cross on its neck, like modern day Christians? Is this evidence of Christianity in ancient times? I found this carving in the Sun Temple of Modhera, in the state of Gujarat. The carvings here clearly prove that this is a Hindu temple and Archeologists confirm that the Modhera temple was built 1000 years ago.
But when did Christianity reach India? According to Wikipedia, Christianity reached India as early as 52 A.D, that means Christianity has been in India for nearly 2000 years. But this claim is also heavily disputed by many historians who say Christianity was brought into India by Europeans in 15th century, making it only 600 years old, and this temple is much older than 600 years.
But I was still not satisfied that this is a cross. So I went to the Museum in the Modhera temple complex, trying to find more evidence. And luckily, I found exactly that. Now, you can clearly see that it looks very much like a Cross, like how Christians wear the cross in their necks today. This is a very rare find. See what it says, this figure is called Keechak, and this figure was carved in the 11th century, so it is a thousand years old. It was actually a part of the Modhera temple, the statue was placed on another pillar in the dark chamber and it got broken a little, so they moved it to the museum.
Of course, some of you may have a gut reaction to dismiss this evidence as fake. Or some will claim that these crosses were carved much later by Christians, to foist their religion on Hinduism, as a means of propaganda. But if Christians did this just for propaganda, they would have placed these figures in a bright, prominent place where everybody would look. Why would they carve them in dark, remote corner, at a height where nobody would look? Understanding and decoding evidences like this is very hard, so most people will just jump to simple conclusions based on their bias. But what if, this Sun temple at Modhera was compromised somehow, and both these statues were only a few centuries old. Do we see the cross in any other Hindu temple?
I found another carving in the ancient Shikanathar Temple, which is 1200 miles away from the Modhera Sun temple.
Is this a cross? Obviously, there is this raised rectangle or square, but in the middle we can see that it is clearly a cross, very similar to the Christian cross. Why is it carved in this ancient Hindu temple ? This temple is at least 1300 years old, this is long before European conquerers came to India. Right now, you are going to be struggling with cognitive dissonance, on one hand, most historians tell us Christianity came through European conquerers and spread very slowly in India, and we know that Christian symbols are almost never found in Hindu temples. On the other hand, I am showing you actual evidences of the Christian cross in Ancient Indian temples. This is like going into a mall and finding a beach, inside the mall. It doesn’t belong there, right? So you have to decide if the mall is fake or the beach is fake, but in this case, both of them are real.
Now, the history of the cross itself is very interesting. Believe it or not, the cross is everywhere, it is found on your keyboard as a plus sign. It is found on your chessboard on top of the king, etcetera. It is almost impossible not to see the cross on a daily basis, mostly because Christianity is the largest religion in the world.

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