you make me sicker than you think i make you

1 year ago

proud of myself for this makeup job
anytime something is inconvenient you throw it away
too passionate for the sheep
intensity is frightening for the many
my fervor is intimidating
the man in my head yells at me
when things don't go the way you see it in yer head
awareness is very uncomfortable
if my older self could talk to my younger self
existential crisis (women experience this extra due uterus)
most people should be sterilized (and i don't believe in eugenics)
most parents don't believe in parenting
i feel sorry for yer kids and what you do to em
re-arrange quite a few things
we could teach you how to pivot but you don't wanna learn
you're pathetic and you make me sick to my stomach
you make excuses as to why you're not good enough
once you can accept failure you can succeed
not an easy process but totally worth it, i promise
nice little ditty
everything i do is bitter black coffee
straight espresso over here hope i woke you up
lauren and adam are the only ones i can listen to for 45min
art is the answer
the sheep can have kids, if you're good you most definitely should
if you agree w/ abortion you should be sterilized
whenever you're child "finds out" that you're a liberal...
how do you think your kid feels about your pro-choice views
mommy made the choice to have me, how nice of her
everyone is all or nothing anyway
i worry about their kids anyway
an 8yr old should not be thinking about sex
side rant (so many to go around)
don't hit the wall again
HOA sent my parents a letter cos i never used the molding putty i bought at home depot to attempt to fix the wall that i crashed into hahahahaha

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