Wormwood Nibiru Planet-X Planet 9 Or Planet 7x. Unknown Planet Beside Our Sun. PROOF #wormwood

1 year ago

Wormwood Nibiru Planet-X Planet 9 Or Planet 7x. Unknown Planet Beside Our Sun. PROOF. There is an object in our skies sitting directly to the right of the sun. What Is This Object? Wormwood? Nibiru? Planet-X? Planet 9? I Don't know the Name, But There Is No Disputing Its Existence. Watch This Video Filmed by DreezyTV And Be Amazed. This Object is Not A Lense Flare ! The Object Beside the Sun Doesn't Move With The Two Reflections When The Camera Moves Around. Two Reflections From Two Sources of Light and There is no Denying it. You Can Lie To Yourself And Say It's Fake Or You Can Look For Yourselves. #nibirusystem #planetx #planet9 #nibiru #planet7x #wormwood #skyphenomena #hercobulus #reddragon #lookup #2022 #trending

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