One Year through the Bible with Morning Prayer. Day 64

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We are on a one year journey reading through Holy Scripture along with our Morning Prayer. Some additional explanation is now needed, due to the heath of residents here we can no longer broadcast from the prayer room or from the sanctuary, I have to remain in full sight and easily found in the event of an emergency. I also need to be able to see and hear everything that is going on around me and be capable of responding instantly. I am using nothing more than a little Logitech camera clipped onto a very old laptop in order to continue broadcasting the scripture readings, the prayers, and it appears now that Sunday Homilies and Sermons will also be done in this manner. This also means that everything that I hear you will hear as well, you won’t see everything because the camera is very small and focused directly on me; it is possible for someone or something to come directly to the camera however. This is real life, those in real life and bad situations need to hear the word and be cared for as well as everyone else. This is how it is for as long as the situation lasts. Join us. Blessings, +William

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