342 For These Things Must First Come to Pass (Luke 21:5-11) 1 of 2

1 year ago

CURRENT EVENTS UPDATE: (1) Heating costs are going up in addition to other inflation as the WEF Great Reset continues to destroy the middle class under the direction of liberal Democrats and Progressive Republicans. (2) A young man reading his Bible at a Matt Walsh gathering is assaulted by leftists who rip up his Bible and EAT the pages. (3) Coach Joseph Kennedy was fired for praying after games at the 50 yard line but his lawsuit won at the SCOTUS and he will be re-hired by March of 2023.

In our study, Jesus prophesied of the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem which happened in 70 AD. We look at the Mosaic Messianic Prophecies and the Omniscience of Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh!

Also Referencing: Isaiah 42:1 & 5-9


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