HOLLYHOCKS! Hello Summer Flowers! Shirley Bovshow (#shorts)

1 year ago

HELLO, HOLLYHOCKS! Enjoy the beauty of the Hollyhock summer flowers, an iconic plant in the cottage gardens, meadow garden, and English gardens!

These tall, romantic plants flower from early summer through fall and will return year after year once they establish themselves in your garden! Hollyhocks freely reseed where they are planted but you can harvest the hollyhock seed at the end of summer and replant them elsewhere.

✅Full sun to part shade

✅Plant in well-draining soil

✅Water 2-3 times per week. Hollyhocks don’t like dry soil

✅Collect the dried seeds from the spent Hollyhock flower pod and replant them elsewhere. They will naturally reseed where they are planted!

Which are your favorite Hollyhocks?

Pastel-colored or jewel tone flowers?

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