Make Money While You Sleep

1 year ago

This is a kind of automated lead generation. Would that be a good description?

Yes. Exactly.

I'm used to, people contacting me through email or people calling me or me calling people following up and all of that stuff. Does this take that follow-up process and put it in automagic. Is that what you called it? Magically? It happens automatically. Yes. Exactly. So it has a series of emails and text messages that you write or I help you write them. You give me information about your company, your product, your ideal client, all their pain points, and how you solve the pain points, you bring all that information to me, and I have a workbook that you just fill out the workbook, and I write all the emails that invite them to purchase, thank them for purchasing, and then invite them to the next higher purchase. So I do all the heavy lifting. We can do it in four weeks, four days, or four hours, and you set the pace you decide. Wow. That sounds amazing. So you're going to help me You're going help me generate new leads. That's what I'm hearing. Yes. Do you want to know how you make this system work? There's one thing you have to do to make the system work. Once we build it, it can go on for years and years and years. and keep bringing you, new clients. The only thing you have to do after we get it built is sharing your free offer. You share it everywhere. You put it on your website.
You put it in chat rooms. You put it in your email signature. You put it everywhere. People when they download that free offer, they just start going through the path that you already established, and they're going to end up making that appointment with you.

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