#073 Abortion, An Ancient Sacrement In The Spirit Of Molech -Further. Every. Day.

1 year ago

You may have heard of the song BDF (Baby. Daddy. Free.), you may not have. However, the song, if you can call it that, is indicative of where our culture is right now. The lyrics are incredible:

“F-R-E-E Baby daddy free
That means I ain’t got a n***a baby coming out of me
So I’m A-B-O-R-T-I-N-G
On the way to the clinic, I forgot the Plan B
Let’s GOOOO. B*tch I got murder on my mind
I'm BDF, baby daddy free. I ain't got a baby coming out of me so I'm A-B-O-R-T-ING.”

The lyrics continue with these gems:
“Look, I forgot the Plan B
Ain't no n***a cuffin' me
You can't put me on a shelf, b*tch, I'm outside with the team
All these b*tches havin' babies, but that ain't finna be me
Said he wanna settle down, n***a sellin' all these drеams
He got one kid, two kid, three kid, four
B*tch, he chеaper by the dozen if his ass have any mo'
And I'm only 25, still got a couple years to go
I don't need a babysitter 'cause this baby gotta go
It's a shortage on the milk, and them diapers be expensive…
I done took care of n***s, now it's time to care for me”

Abortion has become a sacrament for the left. Look at how Governor Cuomo lit up the World Trade Centers Pink when they legalized late term infanticide.
What about Michelle Williams and her speech proclaiming that she would never have earned her “Golden Globe” without Abortion? Celebrities cannot crawl over each other fast enough to proclaim the wonders of abortion. Michelle Wolf infamously said God Bless America and God Bless Abortion on her painfully unfunny Netflix comedy special. This is a long way from safe legal and rare.

We’re now at the point where people actually get pregnant so that they can abort their child. In an article from The Liberal we can hear a couple talk about abortion as a fetish:

“I know this fetish. My girlfriend and me have the same fetish. My girlfriend enjoys her pregnancies and she enjoys the abortion. Her preferred date to abort is between 20 and 24 weeks of gestation. I enjoy making her pregnant. And I enjoy the time of her pregnancy. She has no menstrual period and she is sexually very active, In the last ten years in our relationship we have done seven abortions and my girlfriend is pregnant again with a little girl,”.

While this may turn your stomach, at least I hope it still does, this is a warning sign. Our culture is so devoid of Godly restraint, that this is permissible in a “civilized” society. But is this a new thing? The children of Israel were often warned by God to stop rendering their children to Molech.

Who was Molech and what did worship of Molech look like? From the Midrash, Tanchuma (Buber) addition to Va’etchanan, section 2, we can get some insight:

“How did the Molech work in the valley of Ben-Hinnom? It was built outside of Jerusalem. It was an idol with the face of a calf and open hands like someone who wants to take something from another. They would light this idol on fire until his hands were scorching. There were seven chambers before him and according to the quality of the sacrifice that is how close one could come to him. If one came with a bird, then chamber one; goat, chamber two; sheep, chamber three; calf, chamber four; cow, chamber five; and ox, chamber six.
He who brought his child, the priests would say that he is offering the greatest sacrifice. He would enter the innermost chamber and go kiss the Molech . . .
The priests would then take the child and place it near the Molech. They would then bang with drums to drown out the cries.”

From Bilblicalcyclopedia.com:
“Molech, "the king," was the lord and master of the Ammonites; their country was his possession (Jer 49:1), as Moab was the heritage of Chemosh; the princes of the land were the princes of Malcham (Jer 49:3; Am 1:15). His priests were men of rank (Jer 49:3), taking precedence of the princes. So the priest of Hercules at Tyre was second to the king (Justin, 18:4, § 5), and like Molech, the god himself, Baal Chamman, is Melkart, "the king of the city." The priests of Molech, like those of other idols, were called Chemarim (2Ki 23:5; Ho 10:5; Zep 1:4).

These offerings were a perversion of the sacrificial system. One doesn’t have to dig too deep to see the symbolism of Christ dying for our sins being perverted here. Once again, what is the enemy of our souls doing here? Satan’s favorite pastime is destroying the image of the Godly family. Whether through perverting the relationship of husband and wife (Christ and the Church) or parent and child (God and his adoptive children the Church), Satan loves destroying our relationships as an attack on God’s order.




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