Important CRM Features

2 years ago

As a business owner, I'm used to doing, all the different things that I do in my business, but maybe I'm not used to automation. How do I know what features? I'm actually going to use and what's overkill?

That's another really great question. When you're talking about automation and when automation is used with the CRM, it's going to be sending out
marketing emails, making small sales via email where someone can just click on a button in your email and purchase something small that you have to offer. Running that money through the same system. You keep everything all in one place. That kind of feature where you're going to be able to
keep track of your people, sending out those marketing emails and keep track of that. If it has a business phone line included, that is a huge bonus,
and I do know the one that has that, it would be able to process money for you when people buy things and schedule appointments. In all of those things with a calendar. Yes, that's going to let people schedule electronically.
because remember, we're in a global world. A lot of us provide services that anywhere, anyone anywhere in the world can purchase. Because it's 3 AM for me and I'm asleep, It could be 1 AM for someone in Europe, and they're ready to buy something that I sell. So they need to be able to buy it. Get it delivered to them, and you need to get paid all at 3 AM when you're asleep.

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