Jesus will get His bride and leave everyone else left behind

1 year ago

There were 10 bridesmaids 5 were wise and 5 were foolish and the wise bridesmaids had oil in their lamps and were ready but the foolish did not have any oil and said to the 5 wise bridesmaids give us some of your oil for we have none and the wise bridesmaids said no there is not enough for both us and you go get your own, the bridegroom came and the 5 wise bridesmaids went in and the bridegroom shut the door and the 5 foolish bridesmaids said let us in but the owner said who are you? I don't know you go away, Jesus will take only True believers out of this wicked satanic world before the 7 year tribulation begins or Jacob trouble, great day of the Lord, all so called pastors and church people will be left behind, God is not amused by your church games at all, in fact He hates it!! These people honor Me with their lips but their hearts are far from Me says the Lord, and they are far from God, they care more about being a church member, going to church all the time, going to small groups, being a missionary, not witnessing to anyone for Jesus, they are so busy being a church member that they did not put their name in the Lamb book of life and they will be left behind and will have to decide between Jesus or the antichrist, and all the wicked will suffer God wrath and pay for everything they have done, there is no escape for them, zero, all those who got the vaccines will suffer the most, they are cursed walking dead now, Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and dumb people are getting the vaccine not caring that they are doomed to the lake of fire forever, they are blind dumb fool's and slaves now, Satan owns them forever, that includes all the kids whose wicked parents gave them the vaccine to, they will not be taken either, babies and toddlers will be, not the older kids they will be left with their rotten parents and nothing God can do, He never forgave Satan or fallen angels or the nephilim so those who get the vaccine mark of the beast are gone forever, God will never let them into heaven at all, they have antichrist nephilim blood now and belong to Satan forever, Satan is loving it that dumb people including so called pastors and church people are getting the vaccines, he is loving it, the antichrist knows who you are when you get the vaccines you belong to the satanic antichrist new world order forever, oh he will put mircochiop in you all like slaves and will know everything you do all the time, you are now slaves of Satan forever and will be with Satan and the antichrist plus false prophet in the lake of fire forever and ever and their torment shall never end!! They shall be tormented in the presence of the Lamb and His angels with burning brimstone and sulfur and their torment shall never end, eternity is forever and has no end at all, zero end, that is the price you dumb people made getting the vaccines, you chose life without God and to be with Satan burning in the lake of fire forever and ever!! You are worthless now and trash and dogs in God eyes, same with all the sodomites sex people the gays, lesbians and trans, all the abuser's, murderers, sex offender's, rich people, false prophets, cultists like church of Christ, Mormons, Jehovah witness, Catholics, Muslims, seventh day Adventist, pentecostal, all abortion baby killers, drunkards, those who commit adultery, liars, thieves, those who hate God, mockers and scoffers, those who followed Jesus but gave up because it was to hard for them, everyone who killed and persercuted Christians, self righteous church people and pastors, they will not be allowed into the New jersalem, nothing impure shall ever enter or does anything shameful or decietful but only those whose names are written in the Lamb book of life shall enter

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