Rick Castellano Interveiws Shigeru Oyama (Originator of Kyokushin Karate)

2 years ago

Shigeru Oyama was born in Tokyo on July 7th, 1935. After beginning the study of karate at an early age and attending Japan University, he became a professional karate master, having trained with and under Mas Oyamaduring the early days of the development of Kyokushin.

Undefeated in tournament bouts throughout Japan, he fought the 100-man kumite in the mid-60's, and rose to the rank of Grand Master.

In 1967, the then Saiko Shihan came to White Plains, New York. Recognized as the top Japanese karate master and an international authority on Kyokushin karate, he was selected to introduce traditional Japanese karate adapted to a modern system to American students.

All worldwide Kyokushin champions subsequently travelled to New York to train under his tutelage, coming from Japan and Europe, as well as throughout the US.

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