Bring on Wonderful with Virgin Australia enter a lottery if you choose the middle seat | 選擇中間座位,參加抽獎

1 year ago

Those who are used to traveling by plane know that the middle seat is generally the least desired and for good reason, it limits access to the corridor to move around and offers no pleasant view of the sky. So to make this seat more attractive, the Virgin Australia airline has launched a contest with many prizes up for grabs.

Dubbed the “Middle Seat Lottery”, the competition involves winning the equivalent of 148,000 euros. Among the gifts, the Australian company has seen the big picture by offering a frequent traveler package including already more than a million accumulated points, flights and tickets for the away matches of its favorite Australian Football League team. , a helicopter barathon but also a holiday package with the Australian agency Cairns Adventure Group including flights and several activities. But the most impressive is the first prize: a cruise in the Caribbean including return flights in first class with United Airlines.

Participants will have until April 23 to try their luck. For this, they must be at least 18 years old, resident in Australia, be a member of the Loyalty program from Virgin Australia, complete at least one seat-in-the-middle journey and validate their participation within 48 hours of the flight via the Virgin Australia app.


這項被稱為“中間座位彩票”的比賽涉及贏得相當於 148,000 歐元的獎金。在禮物中,這家澳大利亞公司看到了大局,提供了一個常旅客套餐,其中包括已經超過一百萬的累積積分、航班和其最喜歡的澳大利亞足球聯賽球隊的客場比賽門票。 , 直升機 barathon 和澳大利亞機構 Cairns Adventure Group 的假期套餐,包括航班和多項活動。但最令人印象深刻的是一等獎:加勒比海遊輪,包括聯合航空公司頭等艙的回程航班。

參與者將在 4 月 23 日之前試試運氣。為此,他們必須年滿 18 歲,居住在澳大利亞,是維珍澳大利亞航空忠誠度計劃的成員,完成至少一次中間座位旅程,並在航班起飛後 48 小時內通過維珍澳大利亞航空應用程序。

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