A Message from the Goddess Isis

1 year ago

This is the message from Isis that was intended to be shared during the Resurrection Ceremony on October 23, 2022. For reasons only known to Her, Isis continued to postpone the release of this message, day by day, until today!

Isis has so much to share with us, and we had a guest pop in as well! We also discover who manifested the Golden Caterpillar on Carol's phone during the Resurrection Ceremony. We also discover who manifested the Golden Caterpillar on Carol's phone during the Resurrection Ceremony.

In part of the conversation, Isis is making reference to conversations that Carolina Grace and I have had which are posted on my Heart-Led Humanity playlist. I encourage you to re-watch (or watch them for the first time) through the lens of Isis' message. Please share with us in the comments below those videos any "A-HA's" that come through.

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