Personal Growth || When You're Overwhelmed: How to Trust Yourself and Find Your Voice

1 year ago

#PersonalGrowth #WhenYoureOverwhelmed #ShayoliHope

Get help applying what we talked about today:

When you're overwhelmed, you listen to what everyone else tells you what you should be doing, including advertising! Everyone has an opinion. But yours is the only one that matters for you!

Pick and choose the advice you follow. Test it out. Check in with yourself, often! How does it feel in your gut to consider following that advice?

Have the courage to venture into the unknown, especially within yourself. It is a beautiful journey!

The only way you can find your own voice is by leaving behind the other voices you've been following.

Claim yourself as your own authority! This takes a great deal of courage. It requires venturing out into the unknown. Take your power back from those you've given it away to.

We make others our authority figures--which I like to call our "wise owls." The luxury is that we get to blame them when things go wrong! Then we don't have to blame ourselves. Then we don't have to beat ourselves up.

Do you have a raging inner critic? If so, making other people our authority figures is an act of self-preservation. Your inner critic cares about you and just wants you not to make mistakes anymore.

You can turn that inner critic into an inner wise advisor. You can change the way you talk to yourself. You can help that part of yourself talk to you in a kind way.

When you have a relationship of trust with yourself, all your relationships will improve! You will take responsibility for yourself and your own actions. That keeps you from resenting the people in your life.

IFS, or Internal Family Systems, is a modality that can help you change the way you talk to yourself. When all the parts of yourself get along, you'll be successful in all areas of your life!

Share in the comments how you took back your authority and found your voice!

0:00 Intro
1:25 Claim your authority
3:09 "The Journey" poem
5:53 The steps
8:24 My "Wise Owls"
10:25 Working with my Inner Critic
12:31 Review main points

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