教皇方济各Francis是魔鬼之子 Pope Francis is a son of the devil-Eternal Call

1 year ago

Source: https://youtu.be/0Cv8RQl0T00

English Below


2021年3月29日 From YouTube Channel: Eternal Call





亲爱的朋友,如果你知道真相,如果你知道耶稣是真实的,他活着,他就是上帝,你就不会将耶稣的话打折了。因为这世界的任何东西都不重要。即使是天使来了所传的与耶稣说的相悖,你都要批评他们。这也正是保罗说过的。即便是我们或天使,若另传福音给你们,与我们以前传给你们的相悖,也该受咒诅。 (加拉太书 1:8 当代译本)





Dear Catholics and dear friends, anybody who goes to the Catholic church, I want to speak to you today. I want to tell you something about this Pope, Pope Francis, dear friends, is not a Christian. He is not born again and he doesn't know Jesus. He just has another picture of Jesus in his mind. It is a different picture of Jesus. It is not the Jesus that was on this earth. It is not the picture of Jesus that is the real one. This Pope, dear friend, is wicked. He is not a true man of God. He is a son of the evil one. Two days ago, the Pope came out and said that you cannot go to God except you go through Mary, you need to go through Mary to God. And that goes exactly against the word of Jesus Christ our lord, the one that they claim to follow. They are deceived and they are deceivers. Dear friend, so I want to speak to you, dear friend, if you go to the Catholic church, I want to tell you today, that if you go to the Catholic church that means you are bowing down to this Pope, because this Pope has authority over the priests that are in your church building. If you want to bow down to the Pope, then you're bowing down to the devil. Dear friend, you're not bowing down to Jesus. And it doesn't matter if they mention the name Jesus because they don't know Jesus. They have another picture of Jesus. Dear friend, if you know the truth, if you know that Jesus is true and he's alive and he's God, you will not compromise the words of Jesus. Because of anything in the world it doesn't matter, even if an angel comes and speaks against the words of Jesus, you would call him out. This is what Paul said. By the way, he said, even if an angel from heaven comes in delivers to you another gospel, let him be accursed. This Pope, dear friends, he is accursed. He is the son of the devil. And if you submit to the Catholic church, you are submitting to your priests and you are submitting to the Pope, and you are submitting to the devil himself. Because only the devil would say to you that you need to go through Mary to go to heaven. Because the devil knows that the only way you can be saved is through Jesus Christ and him alone. Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life, no one goes to the father except through me. If any man tells you anything different, they are of the devil, dear friends this is my message to any Catholic church goer. You want to go to the Catholic church, dear friend, make sure that you know what you're doing. Make sure, dear friend, that you have your conscience right. Because if you ignore the words of Jesus, because of the church or your idea of a church, that means you are no follower of my Jesus. The words of Jesus are the words that save. Dear friend, it is not your Catholic denomination. Your Catholic denomination that goes against the words of Jesus is of the devil. If you submit to it, you submit to the devil. And may God bless you.

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