UPDATED! Presearch Node (2022)

2 years ago

In this video, I will walk you through the Presearch node setup and installation. This Presearch node tutorial will be using a Racknerd VPS, which is one of the most cost effective and reliable ways to get your node up and running. I tried to make this video concise, let me know if you have any questions.

Video Notes & Links
Create Presearch Account (free 25 PRE ): https://presearch.com/signup?rid=3632462
Racknerd VPS: https://my.racknerd.com/aff.php?aff=4618
Node Dashboard https://nodes.presearch.com/dashboard
How to buy PRE (Presearch Tokens): https://youtu.be/RzU5HXLIX4Y
Download Putty (FREE): https://www.putty.org/
Presearch installation script: https://cryptojar.net/presearch-installation-script/

Racknerd's limited SALE! Get 11GB SSD with 1.11GB RAM and 1vCPU for $11.11!!! This offer expires on November 11, 2022.

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