1 year ago

2 Timothy 3:16 King James Version
16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

GOOD EVENING IN YESHUA EVERYONE!!! Oh boy, what a day Ricky and I had today! We went out to take care of the fur babies today through CATS Bridge to Rescue, and we brought a brand-new Kitty to Petco today, named Jalisa, who was once a feral kitten. She's a very adorable Kitty, who's shy at first, but will very much warm up to you. She settled right into her Kitty apartment, and was very curiously looking outside her apartment window at Ricky and I. We also have two other kitties there, one named Clem, and another named Alli-Cat. They're both very affectionate, and they get along great with other cats, as they get along with each other, and I pray that they find home soon. Right now Ricky and I are relaxing, and we're just looking forward to a nice evening, praising God for all He's done.

I know I say this a lot guys, but every time I read God's word, I do get so much from it. I especially do, when I read a familiar passage of scripture, because either God shows me something new from it or He reminds me of something I once read before, because He knows that I need it. I think that's why I not only needed what was in this morning's passage of scripture, but why I so cherish the principles and precepts of God's word in my life. I was especially challenged and encourage through the questions that were in this morning's devotional, and I'd like to share them with you tonight. I invite you to read these questions, and I pray that God will speak to you through them.

What promises from scripture give you hope?

Is there a passage of scripture, or verses of scripture that mean a great deal to you? Is there a passage of scripture that God has used in your life when you needed it most, and you cherish it? That's how powerful God's Word is supposed to be to us, and I pray that it is to you.
What I'd like to do right now my friends, is share some things that God has shown me from his word, through this vlog I'd like to share with all of you tonight. It's a reminder to me that Scripture truly is a lifeline, and I pray that we'll cling to it every day. Come join me in this vlog and know what it means to grasp and cling to the precious God breathed Word of God! 😊

So, as I close this post with all of you this evening, I want to leave you with this final question from this morning's devotional, and I pray that it will motivate instruct, and encourage you to cling to God's word.

In what ways will you hold on to its truths today?

I pray that you'll take these truths of God's word, and use them in every decision that you make. I pray that you will ask God every day to help you treasure and cling to the precious teachings that are found in God's Word, and let them fill your heart every day. Allow God's Word to not only speak to your heart, but to let it be that lamp to your feet and light to your path, that you need to guide you, so that you won't sin against God. Allow that two-edged sword that is quick, powerful, and living, to penetrate the thoughts and intents of your heart, reveal the sin that is in you, so that you confession forsake that sin. Allow it to instruct, correct and teach you, and listen to it when it warns you to stay away from sin! Remember my friend, that scripture is a lifeline, and I pray that you will cling to that lifeline always!



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