The Bilderberg Group - How Elites Control the World - WEF, UN, IMF, WHO Corporations & Governments

1 year ago

Who are the shadow government, Deep State, globalists, elites all receiving their marching orders from?

Who can get every government with a central bank to act in lock-step?

Who can get every big tech platform to ban someone in unison?

Who can get every media outlet spreading the same propaganda?

Who wants communist Universal Basic Income (UBI) linked to social credit scores (SCS) delivered through a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) that can be frozen due to you not being one of the good sheeple (exercising independent critical thought)?

How do large companies, countries, intelligence agencies and other apparatus of control manage to enact the same policies at the same time in a way that preserves the power imbalance?

Who keeps us divided instead of uniting against the fuckery we are all subjected to?

Who is attempting to be the sheep herder of the sheeple?

Who wants vaccine passports and other methods of controlling you?

When some people say things have been planned out and certain people are poised to benefit financially and through consolidation of power, it is the delusional ramblings of a lunatic conspiracy theorist.

What do you say when countless pieces of information are evaluated over time and proven to be correct? Conspiracy fact? The ugly truth? Too little too late?

When people get censored for not engaging in group-think mass psychosis, who do we blame?

The Bilderberg Group.

We know the World Economic Forum is causing global instability through manufactured economic crisis after crisis, but where do they get their evil ideas from?

Bilderberg Group AKA the shadow government AKA the Deep State AKA the New World Order that perpetuates the Rothschild central banking control of world currencies and Rockefeller control over medicine, media, and most importantly keeping us on fossil fuels for 100+ years longer than needed.

The Bilderberg Group is also responsible for the World Economic Forum which is instituting policies and controls worldwide which have been causing manufactured economic crisis after crisis that the Bilderberg Group ensures their attendees all profit from and gain more control through.

As far as entities that are publicly identifiable, the Bilderberg Group seems to be the head of the Octopus that royalty, heads of state, the Military Industrial Complex, titans of industry and more consolidate their power and influence through.

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