1 year ago

Everyone is BEYOND fatigued….but the good news is- SO IS THE ENEMY! So all you have to do is KEEP PRESSING! Because they have released MAJOR MACRO SPELLS with Planetary Magic/Zodiac/Cosmos magic, mixed with spells/ evil altars (ingredients- innocent blood sacrifices to give them power).
How to stop: SEVER the ties between the altars, magic/ and spells and STRIP the macro spells off our intercessors INTL/FED/STATE/CITY/levels. They are coming at our TIME- as a nation because they are trying to bring the in the ANTI CHRIST before his time.
GOOD NEWS: They are more exhausted than we are…because we keep getting reinvigorated as Front Runners and hence we are like the energizer bunny. THE GREAT NEWS: IF SOMETHING IS OF GOD – YOU CAN’T STOP IT- you can quote scripture until your blue in the face = or mix the holy with the unholy all you want- but if God said something and HIS true Front Runners are decreeing it- THEN – IT WILL COME TO PASS- because of our hearts being pure towards Gods cause.
But its Christianity vs. Satanism in this hour and I sense that God is saying to America: “Get your butt in gear America- and CHOOSE THIS DAY WHOM YOUR GOING TO SERVE! Because you can’t serve 2 masters!
If you caught John Kilpatrick this past Sunday he was explain how Leviathan was attacking MANY in this hour – (On all 7 mountains) to where MANY had this VAIN SELF PERCEPTION. Thinking MORE of themselves then they ought. To where these people – its happening in government and in Church where there is a certain group of people who think they are better than others – OR EVEN (within church) better than GOD HIMSELF! Thinking they are going to tell God what to do – WHEN GOD HAS TOLD WHAT HE IS GOING TO DO!

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