The Trudeau Vision - The Gender Push

1 year ago

Is Pierre Trudeau’s Original Push For Communism In Canada Now A Reality

“Like father, like son,” the old adage goes. Rarely has it been more accurately applied than in the case of former prime minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau, and son Justin.

Pierre Trudeau was once asked for his views on democracy and communism, and stated that a one-party state would be the ideal government under certain conditions. This should sound familiar to Canadians— but it doesn’t.

“I wouldn’t be prepared to think I would be successful in arguing that communism is right for Canada at the present time. But such times might come, who knows?”

Canada: Fascist or Communist?

The lifting of the Emergencies Act is an enormous relief to all liberty-loving Canadians, but the fact that it could have been invoked on demonstrably flimsy grounds—for a peaceful protest in which no violence or property damage occurred—demonstrates the lawless lengths the Justin Trudeau government will go to secure total power. Perhaps the Act was a test to gauge the reaction of Canadians, many of whom accepted it supinely. Perhaps it was withdrawn because it appeared set to be revoked by the Senate. According to No More Lockdowns Canada, the reason may have had something to do with “an abrupt loss of institutional confidence in the banking system.”

The Destruction of Western Civilization

The leftists in power, aka liberals, so-called conservatives, democrats, progressives, socialists, ecologists, wokists, greens, and communists who are presently occupying our universities and all our governments, public schools, and institutions — there is no party representing White nationalists — are wrong about almost everything they preach. The only way they can sustain themselves in power is through lying, mass media propaganda, authoritarianism, political correctness, censorship, fear, and the persecution of dissidents.

Shocking Report Shows Who Is Pushing Transgender Agenda

A new report shows that activists, billionaires, drug companies, and big medicine have generated a $400 million dollar network to push the transgender agenda on America.

Funding for this agenda has increased nearly eight times over the last decade.

However, very little of this money seems to be going to those who are part of the LGTB community, with most of the funds used solely for political advocacy and public relations work.

It’s apparent that this group is working actively to fund a movement that will create a fundamental and conceptual change in culture. In other words, normalize transgenderism.

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