Who am I?

2 years ago

In all the time I’ve been on social media, I don’t think I’ve ever done a formal introduction! So, I suppose a little ‘about me’ was long overdue. Here are some random facts, if you’re interested:

• This will be our 4th year homeschooling and I was employed through it all. I was on mat leave this past year but then became a content creator (mostly because I cannot sit still!)

• I think an empty mind is the devil’s nest so one should always keep busy with meaningful tasks.

• I’m an autodidact, which is a fancy way of saying that I am a self learner. I usually become obsessed with a topic and teach it to myself through readings and lectures.

• I enjoy going out and meeting people but I also love my home and time to myself. I cannot do too much of either.

• I used to love reading but since becoming a mother, it’s more efficient for me to learn via audiobooks and lectures.

Share a random fact about yourself in the comments, I’d love to get to know you!

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