Counterspeech with Deana Pollard Sacks (1 November 2022) The Paul Pelosi "Hammergate" Scandal

1 year ago

The Paul Pelosi scandal could not have come at a worse time for the Democrats heading into the midterm elections exactly a week from Tuesday. Try as they may to spin this, there was no break in (but there was an attempt to fake one). There was no breaking-and-entering, where Paul even corrected himself by telling the Emergency Operator that he knew the party whose name was "David" and that he was "a friend". Someone let the police in, which means there was a third party in the home at the time. It appears they were in a gay relationship and that "the hammer" was a sex toy shaped like a hammer that (filled with batteries) could easily fracture a skull. How, after all, if this was a vicious attack could Paul have made the emergency call? He not only suffered a fracture of the skull but cuts to his right hand and arm, which appear to have been caused when he broke glass (found on the outside of the house) and cut his hand and arm. Turns out he is a hippie leftist who lived in a commune with a BLM flag and was in a relationship with Paul. God forbid the media or the cops should tell the truth about this one, however, Deana and I had a good time exposing what's going on there. This is a huge story that is going to be in the news from now until 8 November--and it could not have happened to a more deserving party!

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