Tares Among the Wheat - Part 21 - Our Christian Armor

1 year ago

In his letter to the church at Ephesus, the apostle Paul set forth the Christian armor which, in many ways, is a picture of the healthy Christian life. It is something we intentionally put on and use to defend ourselves when we come under attack. The assaults ultimately come from Satan who has well developed strategies of warfare and demonic soldiers to command. Satan and his fallen angels knowingly and intentionally attack. They are behind every act of terror the world has ever known, they do not relent of their activities, and they are not reformable. In addition to these fallen angels, Satan also has useful idiots—unbelievers and carnal Christians—who assist him in his efforts. These people help make up Satan’s world-system that seeks to envelop and enslave everyone it can. Satan’s system is philosophical, social, political, economic, religious, and cultural. These are all things external to us, but which are intended to penetrate our thoughts and impact our values, speech and practices. Furthermore, Satan has an inside agent within every person, which is the sinful nature which naturally resonates with all that is sinful and prideful. To read in full, see Dr. Cook’s book: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09WXT7NL3

The Suicide Cliffs of Saipan: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/suicide-cliffs-saipan-harbinger-things-come-bryan-rigg/

Steve’s Blog: https://thinkingonscripture.com/
Steve’s Podcast: https://windowwalker.podbean.com/
Steve’s Books: https://www.amazon.com/kindle-dbs/entity/author/B005FSY6XO
Steve’s Audio Lessons: https://thinkingonscripture.com/audio-video/

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