SIN Diet

1 year ago

SIN is the ultimate explanation for all of our physiological responses. Our survival instinct’s foremost desire is to preserve fuel – at any cost. This can be seen in our metabolic direction, which currently causes confusion because of how we perceive the symptoms (expressions) of these responses. A common example of this is gaining fat, a survival mechanism that no one wants to trigger, except when we become perilously stuck in the wilderness. In such an environment we would want to preserve as much fat as possible. We see fat gain (anabolism of fat cells) as bad, but it’s really an unfavorable result to an objectively good response that is meant to keep us alive. Merely using adjectives like “good” or “bad” is inherently subjective and is not aligned with our current perspective on how our bodies actually respond. Let’s look at the opposite reaction: If we increase anabolism in our muscle fibers (grow muscle), this is “good” because we are growing and adapting. What about our muscle fibers being catabolic (breaking down)? Is this “good” or “bad”?...
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