Acts 08 Stephen’s Ability with Scripture Acts 6:1-15

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Good afternoon SBC Family,

Tonight Acts 6. It's a short chapter with a widows controversy and our introduction to Stephen. He's the first apologist for the Christian faith and the first martyr. He was brilliant and I think Saul/Paul got his method for teaching in the synagogues essentially from Stephen. Stephen was so brilliant in the Scriptures that it's difficult for most people to follow his argument in Acts 7. It's further complicated by the fact it's a Jewish method of argument by historical recital. When it is understood it is very powerful. This guy was the guy and Satan destroyed this guy, but God raised up another Stephen right under the nose of Satan named Saul/Paul. This is an exciting story when you catch what God is doing. Jesus Christ simply cannot be stopped, though Satan tries, and despite our own failings, He will build His church.

See the attachment, and see you tonight!


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