HUGE Win for GOP in Race for Senate Seat After Candidate Drops Out, Endorses GOP's Blake Masters

1 year ago

Huge win for Republicans in Race for Senate Seat After Candidate Drops Out, Endorses GOP's Blake Masters
The closely-watched U.S. Senate race in Arizona just kicked up a notch after the Libertarian candidate in the race dropped out and endorsed his Republican opponent.

“I’ve said from the very beginning that the reason I’m running for Senate is to promote and get us in the direction of freedom and peace and civility,” Marc Victor said in a YouTube video announcing his endorsement of Masters.

Victor said at one point in his video, “[Masters] really is — in his heart and in his mind — he’s in favor of doing everything he can to get us very sternly, very smartly in the direction of ‘live and let live.’ And that seems like a good tradeoff to me.”

“Libertarian senatorial candidate Marc Victor, who was polling at 1% in a New York Times/Siena College poll released Monday, dropped out of the race Tuesday, throwing his weight behind Republican nominee Blake Masters. Masters is facing Democratic incumbent Sen. Mark Kelly in the midterm election,” Fox News reported.

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