Home maintenance tips for a healthy life 2022 pathogens

2 years ago

Fall is decompression of organic matter by fungus and bacteria as a cycle of life.
Dont let your dogs burry their noses in leaves please.


fact check it It was first diagnosed in pets over 60 years ago . Vets have little to 0 knowledge on it

they will push allergy meds and a corticosteroids which make things worse

corticosteroids- shut down the immune system


so be healthy make sure fungus and bacteria stay outside

minimize fungal and bacterial pathogens by cleaning your yard.

your yard isnt a complete ecosystem bc everyone has used weed killers pest killers and you have destroyed the ecosystem balance so its your job to do the balance. clean your yard and waste.

clean your gutters so ice dosent get under your roofing into the attic creating mold

make sure caulking around windows is ok

use silicone not acrylic

dont wear dirty shoes inside

use merv 13furnace filter
3M is the best.
2200 colour black frame

you want a healthy home

get rid of carpet which is a bacteria and fungal nest

you cannot vacuum pathogens they are to small and all you do is make them airborne

This year will be especially bad . many ppl will have many infections from lung , throat, eye, nose , ears ect.

be smart think fungus the CDC said


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