Simpson Reveal ...

1 year ago

What Are the Mason Simpsons trying to say. If you look at the Last episode of the XXX111 Treehouse of Horrors they have domed world's ,indicating to me that their are other worlds... Did you know this was held for season 34 episode 6... When originally was suppose to be Season 33!!

Now Yaldabaoth Samuel Aka Satan is bounded to travel between these worlds this solar system Soul catching system his created heaven and (Hell) the fake name they call it to keep people bound and chained in this prison world.

Space is the spaces outside the soul net The other Worlds Exists and why do you think Mars is on this list. Nasa are complete liers, they work for Satan.

Look at all the exposure as they are revealing themselves to humanity... And still many are asleep or don't care they are ruled by fallen angels and hybrid fallen species.

You can start by inviting Jesus Christ into your life today so he can start to show you everything that has been hidden from you since the beginning.

I AM Truth Wisdom Justice
I AM Captain Archangel Jophiel of My Lords Army 🗡️🔥😇🎺💥

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