Biden Confuses Ukraine For Iraq And Lies About His Son Dying In Iraq (AGAIN!)

1 year ago

Biden: "Inflation is a worldwide problem right now because of a war in Iraq... excuse me, the war in Ukraine, I'm thinking about Iraq because that's where my son died."

This is the second time he's said this on stage in recent weeks, FYI his son, Beau Biden, died in Maryland, USA in 2015 of brain cancer.

When Biden “misspeaks”, rather than correct himself with correct information, he replaces what he “misspoke” with a lie. The man is either confused and speaking nonsense or lying his butt off, he just can’t help himself. He is such a lying POS that lying comes naturally to him. It’s like a reflex. When he happens to have a lucid, coherent moment — all he spews is lies and lies on top of lies.

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