Button Pusher (Quick and Dirty Hack) 😁

2 years ago

I could not find help to push a button so I made help. It's OK to laugh at it. 😁
It was either buy a $20,000 piece of new equipment with rs232/GPIB or build a less than $200 build. This is just a "HACK." It works and the Manager OK'ed-it so, I can use it.
(Update) The sliding was stopped by using a glue gun to make feet on the underside about one inch on each corner. Just a quick and dirty "hack." The actuator is set at an angle because of how the uOhm meter sits. If the actuator is at an angle, the actuator pushes the button at a more direct path.
Arduino UNO, Dual Relay Module, LM317t, 14N Actuator (little much), 12V laptop power supply, Snap Action Switch, Foot Switch, button from broke computer, cut- up computer power supply chassis , foam found on the floor (and the foam is needed as a button-punch-pad), clear tape, screws, nuts, washers, lock-washers, glue gun, and a few other dinky parts, screws and such, and a piece of wood I found outside.

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