The New Light Matrix

1 year ago

Greetings Beautiful Souls! Wow, has it been a while! I may give a personal update at some point but for now i am just happy to be back in service to my fellow light warriors! Thank you to all who watch this!

Quick announcement: Shortly after making this video I realized that my Instagram account (@the.angelica.galaxy) had been deleted while I was taking time away from social media. Something about them needing to verify that I was over 13 (lol....kind of) I made a new one:


Thank you all for your continuous love and support! I can feel it:)
Much Love

✨✨✨✨This video is light-encoded ✨✨✨

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Instagram: @the_angelica_galaxy



If you would like to learn more about my sessions, which are done via Zoom, here is a video explaining a bit more about how they work:

If you are interested in booking a session, please email me at

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Thanks for all your love and support~reflecting the blessings back to you! 💖💫

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