1/3 of Small Businesses Can't Pay their Rent

2 years ago

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Massive news for the end of October, we have more than one third of us small businesses that couldn't pay all their rent in October.

I've been talking for a long time about how we would start to have deflation and more economic pain as a result of everything. The boom makes the bust inevitable because the boom was built on expansion of the money supply funded by easy credit and what happens after the boom is always a bust.

So, what we're seeing here is the beginning of that. This is a major big deal that we're looking at here. Which is, small businesses not being able to pay all their rent.

0:00 Video Overview
0:37 Small Business Employ almost half of all Americans
3:30 Rent Delinquency Surge
6:46 Firms are at Risk of Closing

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#SmallBusinesses #RentDue

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